(207) 474-5121 | 46 Fairview Avenue, Skowhegan, ME 04976

Create Your Greeting Card

Patient Name
Your Email Address
Your Name
Message To Patient

Send a Patient Greeting


Send a patient greeting to let a friend or family member know you are thinking of them during their hospital stay. Your message will be printed and delivered by a member of our Public Relations Department. Please keep in mind that this is the same as sending a post card -- do not include any personal, medical or inappropriate information or comments.

Note: The recipient must be an inpatient (overnight stay patient). You must know the patient's first and last name. If we have duplicate patient names, we will e-mail you for additional information.

* Cards are delivered daily Monday through Friday (7:00 am – 3:30 pm). Cards sent after 3:30 pm will be delivered the next business day (Monday through Friday). Cards sent over the weekend or on holidays will be delivered the next business day if the recipient is still an inpatient.